My week has been good and bad, filled with dread at having to go back to work after just over two weeks holiday. So, what have I done: I've gone out and got drunk, seen Oz the great and powerful, Went to the doctors to find that I am slowly falling apart, gone shopping and bitten all my nails off! Yes that was not the best thing that I have done but it happens.

A pretty slow week in some ways and a great one in others, I have almost finished watching all of Greys Anatomy and I have watched Dollhouse. I have been reading a QI book with lots of random facts and generally doing as little as possible.
February basically consisted of
  Nights out, more than I have in the last 6 months combined,
  Alcohol, more than the last 6 months combined, 
  Dancing, more than the last 6 months combined,
  Watching TV Shows, more than the last 6 months combined,
  Cleaning, yup you guessed it more than the last 6 months combined,
yes, there is a pattern forming with my list, February saw me turning 27 and its as if the closer to 30 the more I have sped up my fun, however with funds now unbelievably short, It will be back to almost nothing for a while. I've gotten hooked on Bones and Greys Anatomy and also Storage Wars, which was entirely by accident.

I have gone out with Laura more times than you can count on a hand in one month and our text conversation have reached a all time strangeness, that can no longer be completely explained without some neurological damage.

This month I have laughed and Cried, been worried and relieved and all in all forgotten more than I have remembered! I've been in lots of pain due to lots of different reason and have to wait another week until my doctors appointment. My husband may have sleep apnea  and will have to wait anywhere between 6 months to 2 years to get into the sleep clinic and in the meantime I have to pick up the slack when it comes to his severely ailing memory, Alas I should be thankful for what I have as its a lot better than most, but I feel we all dwell on the bad!

February has had a lot of ups and down and now going into March I can only keep my fingers crossed that the good remains and the bad goes away. May the spring bring more sun and joy.
My Pointsetta, Munchies for the girls night in, Bright lips for the impromptu night out, Pornstar Cocktail choice, My hair being perfect when I have done nothing too it but it had to go in a pony, Why I love make up - It covers circles and bad skin, A touch of craft work by making peppermint creams and hand made marzipan roses and finally all the lovely presents and not a single one is mine!

I have had a very busy week since the last post, I have been for a meal with family and at a church, Watched a Choir, cleaned, Worked, finished shopping for Christmas, cleaned some more, wrapped more presents, Made a few presents, Put my car in a Garage, cleaned yet again! met up with friends, done a secret santa (first one ever), had a girls night in that turned to a girls night out and killed my back in the process and finally cleaned and then spent all of sunday watching fantasy movies, hoping to watch some Christmas movies this week!
I have had a great week so far, I went out with my best friend Laura for her birthday and we achieved our goal of not getting drunk, just being merry. Our night consisted of cocktails, karaoke, dancing, food and fun. It was the first time we had ever gone out just the two of us and the first time in 6 months either of us had gone for a night out. For the occasion, I picked up a new dress and bought some alcohol so we could start the night off!

I love dooley's and hadn't seen it for about 5 years, as I went to morrisons to pick up Laura's Corkys, I spotted it and just had to buy it. Its like Baileys only its a toffee flavor, best served over ice, but still quite nice to drink on its own. It was always my go to drink on old nights out when i  was sick of alcopops and vodka.

I have wrapped all my Christmas presents and now only have a few left to do, the ones that I have only just bought. I only have 2 people left to sort out presents for and these are my mother in law and father in law. They have always been the hardest. My friend Karly has come up with an idea to make for my mother in law, but still need to find something else to get her as well. thank goodness I still have 4 weeks.

Once day I just could not face cooking so I ordered a chinese, It was a top up between that and an indian, but i decided on the chinese because they have a deal and my husband like the chicken balls, but likes nothing from and indian, the boring sod!

Other than that my week has consisted of keeping my flat tidy which I have failed miserably with, and I now have a cold that is slowly getting worse. roll on 6pm 22nd dec. This is my last shift over christmas and I go back on the 27th.
While out with my friend the other day, we got to taking about our party days. 2 years ago we were out every other week and 5 years ago I would quite literally party all weekend. I loved it from the moment I started to get ready, there was an anticipation of the night. Choosing an outfit, putting on the makeup that will inevitably wear off. Even the dullest nights could be made to be great with the addition of a good few shots. I remember getting home and kicking off the heels, while stumbling to the kitchen to get a drink of water. the buzz in my ears, a nice reminder of the music that I danced the night away too.

The conversation was about how we just can't do it anymore. Even the mere though of staying up past 2 is tiring. I still love to get ready and choose outfits, and its not like I will never step food in a club again, I just feel that its too much now. I would much rather go out for a meal and a few drinks or have a girls night in with movies and munchies, other than the party alternative.

I don't think that choosing to stay home or have a quieter evening is something that happens only as you get older, I have a few older friends who never say no to a night out, and have stamina for dancing that I have never had. I think I just feel as that I have done it for the last 10 years, therefore is its now time to have a quiet 10 years before my midlife crisis hits and I will , no doubt, attempt to recapture my youth.

Am I gong to grieve over the loss of my party life - No. I had so much fun, made lots of friends, drank lots of alcohol, spilt lots of drinks, broke loads of tights, ruined shoes, danced til it hurt, sang til my voice was spent, laughed, smiled and spent more money than I'd care to admit, but ultimately made lots of great memories.